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Castell Coch Entrance
Castell Coch Statue Detailing
High Level View into the Courtyard
Complex Raised Scaffolding
Aerial View of the Site
Castell Coch
Tongwynlais, Cardiff

Castell Coch is a C19th ‘fairytale’ castle designed by William Burgess for the Third Marquess of Bute. Built on the foundations of a medieval earth and timber castle high on a wooded hillside overlooking the Taff Valley, the castle is a gothic masterpiece containing some of the most significant wall paintings in the country.

Decades of water ingress has damaged areas of the highly prized interior decor and in 2016 DSA were appointed to undertake repairs to high level masonry, and roofs to rectify the 60 year old problem. Given the hillside location, access is very difficult on two sides of the building resulting in complex scaffolding solutions in very exposed locations. The work will continue whilst the castle is open to the public and provision has been made for public stairs to access the works and the ability to watch ‘conservation in action’.

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